I help teen girls & women who are struggling with low self-esteem by shifting their mindset, so that they can embody confidence, build resilience, develop strong mental health and move from fear to action

“Giving YOU the power to prevent damaging decisions, unnecessary pain and Making Happiness A Priority”

Hi! I’m Mish.

My purpose and passion is to empower young women to be unapologetically themselves. I’m not here to judge, I’m here to listen and understand you.

There is so much beauty in this world, it’s time to stop focusing on things that bring your energy down and start living a life that you love and deserve.

My Story

In the beginning I had a really hard time seeing everything in the positive. I was having problems with overcoming my bad habits like negative thinking and making assumptions about things that weren’t even true. Ther.png
Testimonial- Self love coaching

Let’s work together

I am a certified Life Coach. I work together with teens and women towards their personal, physical & mental health goals.

All whilst empowering, uplifting and inspiring them to release their inner-glow so they can live a happier, prouder, more confident and fuller life.

Responsibility breeds empowerment

My sessions will help reduce:

✗ Stress

✗ Low Self-Esteem

✗ Insecurity

✗ Relational Aggression

✗ Constant Comparing

✗ Excessive Self-Expectations

✗ The Feeling Of Being Overwhelmed

✗ Anxiety

✗ Self Consciousness

✗ Harsh Self-Judgement

✗ Dread Of Speaking Up

If we work hard together you can:

✔ Overcome your fears and obstacles

✔ Start loving YOUR life

✔ Gain lasting self-confidence that will carry you into adulthood

✔ Improve decision-making skills

✔ Trust yourself

✔ Become strongly connected to your voice and power within

✔ Know how to consciously deal with your emotions

✔ Manage stressful situations confidently

✔ Turn positive self-talk into a habit

✔ Discover your values and who you really are

✔ Develop a completely new and positive inner world, therefore making your outer world shine

✔ Achieve independence in a healthy way

✔ Stand up to and conquer peer pressure

✔ Learn to truly love yourself

Life Coach testimonial
True beauty comes from within,
Confidence and Self-love is key.
When you’re truly happy and at peace with yourself,
you radiate and glow.
— Mish

You are a strong and powerful GODDESS, you are whole and perfect exactly as you are. I’m here to help you peel back the layers so you believe it too.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” -Albert Einstein