Welcome to the ASK MISH section where I answer your questions! A lot of the time your questions and concerns are actually quite common. You’re not going through your struggles alone. As females, we share a lot of the same problems, thus I created this advice column to help as many of you as I can. Your questions will be posted on here anonymously, so don’t be afraid to ask away!

DEAR MISH: What are some things I can do to help think more positive about hard situations? :)


❁ Trust in yourself and the universe that everything will be okay- Know that things aren’t happening TO you, instead they are happening FOR you- this one’s very powerful.

❁ Avoid negativity at all costs- If you’re already feeling low about a situation, it can be extra tough listening to people who are unknowingly fuelling the fire. If this is the case, politely let them know that you’re not in the right mindset to talk about this topic right now and ask to re-visit it during another time.

❁ See what you can learn- View your challenges as something that is here to teach you a lesson, in order to grow stronger & evolve into the person you’re meant to be.

❁ Separate your emotions from your identity- For example, saying “I AM anxious” disempowers you. So instead say “I am FEELING anxious right now” this way you’re acknowledging this temporary emotion but not allowing it to hold power and become a part of your identity. Psst, all feelings are temporary.

❁ Be present and find reasons to be grateful for- eg. Close your eyes and feel the sun kiss your skin, “Thank you for this beautiful sunshine.” Pause and look down at your food, “Thank you mother earth for providing me food to nourish your body.” Passing your exam, “Thank you amazing brain for absorbing information” Standing up for yourself, “Thank you for giving me the strength and courage to speak up.”

With Love, Mish xo

DEAR MISH: What’s one thing I can do to help build my confidence?

DEAR CONFIDENT: One important tool you can use to build confidence, is reframing your old way of thinking with a new and improved mindset. Rewiring your mind to think positively about yourself is key. I love doing this through affirmations. Anything you put after “I AM” is so powerful, that’s why you should choose carefully what words you use. Ditch unhelpful negative self-talk. Write down your favourite positive affirmations and stick them where you’ll see them the most- on your mirror, bedside table, laptop. Read them out loud as much as possible, be expressive, be over the top with them and soon you’ll truly start believing in yourself! With Love, Mish xo

DEAR MISH: What are some things I can do to stay positive and motivated during these tough times?

Thank you. xx


First of all, it’s okay to be feeling this way, remember that you’re only human and you’re not alone. Sending you a big virtual hug! Here are 5 things to try.

1. Create an energising morning routine- Take 3 deep breaths as soon as you wake up, SMILE, stretch your arms, make your bed and think about how today is going to be full of love and opportunities! (do not go on your phone straight away- you might unconsciously bring your mood down if you see something negative first thing in the morning)

2. Write out your goals for the day- Start with 3 small attainable goals to avoid overwhelming yourself. Break them down step by step if needed, eg. If you struggle with finding motivation to go for a walk. Start with a 10-minute walk. Chances are you’ll feel great once you start doing it, so you’ll want to continue.

3. Focus on things you can control- Absorb positive energy by listening to inspiring podcasts, watching uplifting videos and reading books about wellness and living a happy life. Unfollow people and avoid things that don’t elevate you.

4. Seek support- Release your emotions and allow them to pass through instead of bottling them up inside. Talk about how you’re feeling and think ‘what is something I can do right now to improve my situation and move forward?’ There’s always something you can do to get closer to what you want. 

5. Romanticise your life- Get dressed up for no reason. Style your hair in a fun way so when you look at yourself in the mirror you can’t help but smile. Listen to your favourite album while twirling around in the garden. Control the soundtrack to your life! Bring out that tea set that you’ve been saving and use it! Cuddle your loved ones. Fill your day with as much joy as possible! That’s what life is about.

With Love, Mish xo

DEAR MISH: Do you have any tips for me on how to feel more confident in my photos? -CAMERA SHY

DEAR SHY: First, pick an outfit that you really love and one that makes you feel really good in. Before heading out, look up some ‘posing hacks’ on TikTok or IG for ideas (So many good ones!) Look in the mirror, find your preferred side and practice smiling. Whilst taking the photo, remember to have good posture and just have fun! Candid photos are my favourite. If you’re worried about awkward hands, you can always hold something like flowers or a coffee. If there’s nothing around that you can use, pretend to adjust your hair. Also, ask the camera person to take a couple of photos, that way you have a few options to choose from! The more you do this, the easier it will get and the more confident you will be :) With Love, Mish xo

DEAR MISH: Nearly all my friends at school have bfs and I feel a little bit left out. I’ve been wanting a boyfriend for a while now but all the boys at my school are pretty annoying.  There’s this one guy whose kinda cute. I’ve only spoken to him once or twice but my friend said his pretty cool. What can I do to get his attention? -BOYFRIEND WANTED

DEAR WANTED: I want you to ask yourself why you want a boyfriend. If it’s because you think he can give you the validation that you want or make you feel better, then I don’t think you should have one (yet). This relationship won’t be healthy as it will be disingenuous. Gorgeous girl, you don’t need a boyfriend to fit in or to make you feel loved. You are loved just by being authentically you. Don’t compare your happiness to others. If you’re already happy as you are, being single, then let it be! Remember that self-love is the most important kind of love. Relationships will form naturally when the time is right and when you are being genuine. For now, just enjoy your life and have fun. There will be plenty of time in the future to find a boyfriend. With Love, Mish xo